Today, credit card debt has become the main contributor to personal debt and cause for many financial problems. The following are some of the common causes of credit card debts.
- Maintaining expenses on a reduced income ~ Excessive spending is one of the common causes of credit card debt. This is especially true if you continue to make charges after experiencing a reduction in your monthly income.
- Poor money management ~ Spending without planning is likely to result in excessive expenses and inability to pay the monthly credit card bills. Higher interest rates will be charged on late payment and further increase your debts.
- Not savings or saving too little ~ Those who are contributing very little or no funds to savings, are likely reach for their credit cards to cover any unexpected or emergency expenses.
- Overspending ~ People often spend too much on things that they may not really need. As we live in a consumer culture, with glittery advertisements beckoning us to buy, around every corner, sometimes, we may use credit cards beyond our means.
- Banking on windfall ~ Spending tomorrow’s money today is very tempting. Relying on credit cards to meet your monthly purchases will lead you down into credit card debt at the end.
Ladies and gentlemen, don't worry! Be happy~! There is always someway you can do to save yourself, right? Here are some useful tips to prevent credit card debts.
- Manage Your Finance ~ Plan for your money by listing out all income and expenses on a monthly basis. It is important to know exactly where all of your funds are going. With a great management plan, you won't need to pull out your credit card from your wallet.
- Choose Credit Card Wisely ~ Be cautious when choosing credit card. Try to find the credit card offers the lowest interest rate by reviewing and comparing various offers in the market.
- Control Spending ~ Be extremely careful with your spending once you get the credit card. Consider whether you can afford the amount credited at the end of the month each time you use credit card. Set a credit limit as low as possible but sufficient to meet your daily needs.
- Always Pay on Time ~ Paying on time is one of the best solution to shun away from debt. This can restrict debt from being grow into a huge amount that contributes to financial problem.
Be a wise consumer and use your credit cards cautiously and don’t let credit cards control you. Do remember this: "You're the magician. So, magic card depend on you to show the magic to the people around you. Don't let magic card control you!"
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